About Me

Hi! I'm Maddy xx! Welcome to my slightly insane yet sometimes fairly wise but fun world put into an online blog!

Sunday 16 February 2014

what it is to be a bird...

hello my lil old smurfies,
I'm gonna start by saying, brace yourself, you're about to be asked a question that could change your life.... Have you ever wondered, 'what is it to be a bird?' 
I know, amazing question but c'mon, they're a animal that no one really thinks about (apart from bird watchers and that guy off country file...). Anyway, my point is, I really want to know what it's like to be a bird! 
It must be so fun and amazing, calm and peaceful but with a side order of danger and adventure! You'd sour through the sky, with your family and best buddies at your side. Quite frankly, I love the idea! Bur then, there'd always be that cat shaped danger lurking about...
It actually sounds pretty epic... If I wasn't totally amazeballs already I'd put some serious thought into it...
I just thought I would share that awesome piece of my mind with you- everyone else is busy. For now- Maddy xx

Saturday 8 February 2014


Hello smurfs,
Well, I was sat down with a bad of chocolate and youtube watching Zoella and for some completely random reason I decided to come up with some mid way through the second month revaluations! So, this year hasn't been great so far. In fact it's been pretty dreadful, but I've decided to put that behind me and get on with my life. Looking back over 2013, the start of it jan-August was perhaps the best few months I've ever had. However, once September began my whole life kinda fell apart. However, though 2014 hasn't gotten off to the greatest of starts I am leaving that in 2013 and January 2014 and starting a fresh. 
Beginning again can be the hardest thing to do in a persons life- because it means that you have to forgive and forget, that you have to almost remake yourself and, in my case, be, for the first time in my whole life, be completely you!¡! 
When things go wrong, you feel as if nothing will ever be better and things will never be the same. It's like the whole world has come to an end and there is nothing else left for you. You come so close to just giving up all together that it gets just painful. It hurts like you'll never believe unless it's happened to you, even then, you won't have ever felt exactly the same as anyone else. You feel like you'll never be able to pick yourself up and carry on, but believe me you will. Perhaps after it's all over, everything will be even better than it was in the first place. Because, as Kelly Clarkson once sang- What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger.  {google it} .
I've decided that all I'm gonna be is happy. If I'm not happy then I'm just going to walk away. It might take a while but happiness will come in time and it will be amazing... 
- Maddy xx

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Little Brother present ideas...

Hello my Smurfies,
It was my little brothers birthday a couple of days ago- one to be precise. I took a while wondering what to get him as he wasn't extremely helpful ("hmmm Bob, chickens, eggs, meet a pig...) so I had some thinking to do. I wanted to be imaginative though to be honest I wasn't sure how. In the end, I was so stressed, I left it all to two days before to get everything. 
My brother is a weird kinda kid so I know that when he told me what he wanted and replied with ridiculous answers, he wasn't actually joking. I thought I'd do a post on 'what to get boy kids that are kinda weird' (title needs working on) so here are my buys...
1) Transformers Constructorbots. 
    As much as I wanted to get something fun I thought this might do for a 'main' present. He loved it and has already built the transformer. It really works and was challenging but not too difficult for him to build even though he's quite young. I really recommend it as it was definitely a worth while buy. I brought it from Tesco for £15, though I looked online and it can be found at many different stores, and I'm sure if you looked it would be cheaper else where as only before Christmas I looked in M&S (?) and found it there for £9.99.
2) Rubber chicken.
   This was kind of a joke but it went down very well. You may have seen in other shops, rubber chicken toys that if you squeeze, an egg pops out (!!!). He is into odd but amusing things so I think this was a very good buy! I purchased it in a sale at Bert's Homestores for only £1.99 though I know that the actual price is £3.99 so I got a very good deal with that!
3) Piggy Tourch.
   This buy was supposed to be fun yet practical for my brother. He is soon going on his first school 'holiday'. This happens to be camping in the middle of nowhere is freezing tents without any of us. I decided to buy it as it is fairly small but very bright. Also, shaped like a pig, it would be sure to remind him of us and keep him comforted if he is a bit lonely at times, (not that knowing him he would be but just incase ;))  I again got it from Bert's Homestores for £2.99 , to be honest I think this was a bit of a rip off as it is keychain size but to be fair it is VERY good quality!
That's all of my buys, I hope it was helpful and if not enjoyable, if not, what are you doing here?!? 
Goodbye, Maddy xx

Friday 17 January 2014

Oh my swift...

Hey Smurfs,
I haven't written for ages but school has been slightly annoying, I won't go on, that isn't what you came here to read about eh?
Anywaysss... It is only about two weeks until the Taylor Swift concert *dies*, I am unbelievably excited!!!!!!! I just want to also mention... I'm going to be adding a music page to the blog because music isn't my life- I'm gonna be honest- but I do adore many songs and I can play pretty fierce guitar. So watch out for that and see ya for the moment!! *waving emoji*!! Maddy xx

Thursday 2 January 2014

Quick hello!

Hey y'all Smurfettes and Smurfs,
    So, you probably have noticed that I've added a few other pages to my blog. These are: fashion, photography, and about me! I shall be updating the fashion and photography but the about me is just kinda there... I may add a contact page but that's kinda risky, no offence ya lil blue peeps but ya know- internet safety and all! This is just a quicky to say hi and I suppose bye for a couple of days! I might be a bit busy so I don't think I'll be posting on this main one! I do have a friend who I'm gonna use as model for a late winter/back to school make up tutorial thing! So stay tuned on the fashion page for that one. But see ya for now- Maddy xx

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Merry late Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Yo smurfs, 
So, I've been really busy over the Christmas kinda period and I didn't get the chance to write a Christmas post. Christmas is a really special time and don't get me wrong, I love it, but this Christmas I felt a little different about things. What I've noticed is that the media has become so huge that is impossible to avoid Christmas. For example, if you were homeless, it must be one of the worst times of year. You'd just want to put it out of your mind and pretend it is just another day but, with the different types of media that would become quite impossible. Also, for the people that don't celebrate Christmas, they get one day off for their religious festivals yet we get one/two weeks, they don't have around two months of music fights trying to reach the top in time for the celebrations. I think it is unfair and opinionated though on the other hand, we are a Christian country so it can't be helped I suppose! Sorry, rant over! 
         What did you get for Christmas? I got some DVD's, Taylor Swift things and many other little things. To be honest, Christmas was good but new year is in other ways, just as exciting. 
         I am so excited for the new year. The past has been okay though towards the end it's epicness wielded and I struggled rather a lot with things to do with school and friendships and all of those awkward teenager things... But starting tomorrow I'll be forgetting that and trying to change how to handle things, after all: fate is what you make it. I can't be somebody other people want to be and I can't change who I am because other people don't like that. If people don't like it, maybe I'm not supposed to be friends with them... What's the point eh? But, over the holidays,I've grown close to other people I wasn't expecting too, so not everything is bad. I have high hopes and am not going to let this chance to begin again slip through my fingers. 
         So smurfs, I can't wait, can you? It is the end of the beginning in my view and I hope to embrace it. Good luck on the new year dudes, I'll blog again soon, Maddy xx 

Sunday 22 December 2013


Hey, um I'm gonna call you smurfs coz they're funny and kinda cute! 
So, I'm sorry for not posting enough lately, it must be annoying but everything has been a little hectic! But finally school has broken up for Christmas which is in 3 sleeps time, may I add?!? The weather is awefully horrid at the moment but I've got a stash of cozy Christmas jumpers and warm socks to keep my warm and my beautiful cat is keeping me warm with lots of cuddles! 
     I've also been doing plenty of last minute shopping, I went into town yesterday and got the most funny presents for my presents and some gorgeous clothes to wear on Christmas Day- tip time- Primark is full of lovely patterned jumpers and tights and leggings, also the G-Store is really good for odd little things! The television is jam-packed with Christmassy things currently and that won't stop for a while either! Aha! I am strangely looking forward to watching Gangsta Granny on Boxing Day, it looks quite funny- something to the family to have a laugh watching! Also, who could forget? Dr Who!!! It is on Christmas Day and I am seriously looking forward to viewing that, the Doctor goes to his grave in Trensalore (I don't know the spelling...) and it seems the silence are making an epic return as well. They really give me the creeps... Sad thing is though, Matt Smith is regenerating and another Doctor  (who I've forgotten the name of) is taking his place. I really liked Matt Smith in a funny sort of way, despite his rectangle shaped head, and I'll be sad to see the back of him... But bring on the new generation of Doctors... Here's to the future! 
       Well Smurfies, I should be on my way really, so, bye for now, Maddy xx